Privacy Policy

INNOVAGENCY is a digital agency, with technological DNA, that combines Strategy, Design and Development skills to conceive Mobile and Web solutions for its clients. Respect for privacy and protection of personal data of all those who interact with us is an ethical condition of our activity and a legal obligation.

Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 27 April 2016, of mandatory application throughout the European Union as of 25 May, establishes the rules on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of their personal data, reinforcing through the new regulatory framework both the control of data subjects over their processing and the practical and legal security of those who operate on them.

INNOVAGENCY, within the scope and context of its activity, on the grounds of lawfulness foreseen in the law and for the achievement of determined, explicit and legitimate purposes inherent to its operating processes, carries out, as the party responsible for processing, by itself or on its behalf, the processing of strictly necessary personal data relating to its clients, suppliers, employees and other interested parties, storing them in a manner that allows the identification of the respective holders only for the period essential to the fulfilment of the corresponding purposes. Once the period of conservation of the personal data processed has ended, and if no exceptional reason permitted by law for its maintenance subsists, INNOVAGENCY commits to delete the data by suitable means or to de-identify them in an irreversible manner, anonymizing them. 

Throughout the processing of personal data under its responsibility, INNOVAGENCY will adequately manage the risks inherent to the processing, guaranteeing its security, applying, and ensuring that its subcontractors apply, the technical and organizational measures adjusted to the preservation of the integrity and strict confidentiality of the personal data.
INNOVAGENCY may also, in the context of its activity, process personal data on behalf of its clients, acting as a subcontractor. When this occurs, INNOVAGENCY is equally bound to strict legal compliance, conforming its actions to the provisions of the RGPD, also ensuring, in this capacity, the integrity and confidentiality of personal data, through the implementation of appropriate security measures.

The owners of the personal data processed by INNOVAGENCY may, in accordance with the law, namely in articles 12 to 22 of the GDPR, exercise, at any time and free of charge, the rights granted to them by law: right to transparency, right to information, right of access, right of rectification, right to erasure of data, right to limitation of processing, right to data portability and right to object.

Where the lawfulness of personal data processing is based on consent, data subjects shall also have the right to withdraw consent at any time, without prejudice to the lawfulness of the processing carried out on that basis in the meantime.
In order to exercise these rights, should the respective conditions foreseen in the law be met, data owners simply send INNOVAGENCY a written request specifying their intention, using any of the following contacts: 

E-mail address - 
Postal address - Rua Joshua Benoliel, nº6 - 2A, 1250-133 Lisboa 

Should they believe that there has been a violation of their personal data, data subjects also have, without prejudice to other means of recourse, the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, which, in Portugal, is the National Commission for Data Protection.  This is our policy and our commitment.  Count on us!