How does a century-old company prepare for a new century of success and growth? 

From lack of customer knowledge and manual processes to a one central view of customers and a clear understanding of the growth trajectory with HubSpot

  • Strategy
  • HubSpot implementation & support


Viúva Lamego


HubSpot implementing and technical Support


CRM Platform Marketing, Sales and Service




A partnership between Viúva Lamego and Innovagency to create a central view of customers and aligning marketing, sales processes and service processes for a better understanding of the customer and the business, through the implementation of a HubSpot CRM Platform with is components of Marketing, Sales and Service. 

The project focused on streamlining the Viúva Lamego technology stack all within the HubSpot CRM Platform. As a result, they no longer suffer from the inefficiencies of having manual processes and data dispersed across multiple sources, allowing one source of truth for all its core activities.  

Innovagency implemented the Hubspot CRM platform and configured a new sales process through Sales Hub, turning the process more efficient and organized. This new sales process is complemented with reports that allow Viúva Lamego to understand sales performance. The issues with visibility of sales activity have been resolved and Viuva Lamego now has all the information they need in one centralized location. At a glance they can see what stage each deal is at, allowing them to quickly identify which deals are appropriately managed and which do not, and then putting action steps in place accordingly.

We configured in Service Hub a sample sending process, moving from a manual and poorly coordinated process between the team to a process more efficient, with better control and contributing to a more effective sales process.

We created a data structure on the Hubspot CRM platform that enabled the marketing team, through the Marketing Hub, to reinforce the ability to lead capture, lead nurturing and communicate with Viuva Lamego targets. To leverage commercial activity and improve the relationship with its customers this new asset contributes to increasing sales and notoriety.


Novo Projeto (1)-2

Viúva Lamego taking advantage of the HubSpot CRM Platform components to close more deals with processes management, teams collaboration and marketing tools


Better lead management

+ efficiency in the customer service process

Enhanced reporting abilities

+ targeted communications